Let Your Freak Flag Fly

This is a blog of a guy who strives to be different as he tries to find his voice and place within this always changing society

Friday, June 15, 2007

New Vinyl: Radiohead

Well it has been a few months since I have posted up here so now it's time to add some new vinyl that I have acquired since the beginning of the summer. You may notice that there is a a bit of a British rock motif going on here but that is only because to me personally the Brit's seem to be doing the most interesting stuff these days, I would love to take in a festival over there to learn of some new bands but since I am an university graduate now without a job I will have to dream instead. The two albums here are Radioheads - The Bends , and OK Computer . In my opinion the bands best two albums even though they are all amazing. I Can't wait until the new album is released I guess in the fall...........Until then............


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