Let Your Freak Flag Fly

This is a blog of a guy who strives to be different as he tries to find his voice and place within this always changing society

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Europe Pt1: Amsterdam

After a long 3 week wait from our last trip cancellation due to the Iceland volcano Eyjafgallajokull's eruption we finally made it to Europe. First we took a 9 and a half hour flight from Calgary, Alberta, Canada to London, England. We then waited a few ours and then took a 51 minute flight from London, England to Amsterdam, Netherlands.

We are on a train from Schipol (Amsterdam) Airport to Central station in the heart of Amsterdam

This is the Bulldog and where we stayed for the first 2 nights of our trip. The hostel had a bar and restaurant and was actually very nice and clean and right on a canal.

A view from the doors of our hostel.

Holland's national food; French Fries and Mayonnaise

The canals at night.


Blogger LETs THINk said...

came across your blog while looking for information on europe train travel and your pictures are great making me go there sooner...it will be my first travel abroad from India and that too alone but your picutres are worth the travel that i plan...

11:22 a.m.  
Blogger LETs THINk said...

best part is that I am coming to Calgary next year in june to stay with my Indian BUDDY for 2 months and saw u guys from Alberta so writing this...Your country is fascinating and i m looking forward to it..

11:26 a.m.  

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